

Fully Outsourced Workflow From Camera To Online Shop

This solution is designed for the companies that would like to outsource a more complex production workflow. Together with the client, we work on establishing standards and rules of both – what goes IN and what goes OUT. In some cases, adopting the clients editing techniques.

We are not going to hide it, the preparation takes time and effort. But our goal is to develop an outsourced post-production workflow, from camera to printing orders, without any friction – just like your in house team.


Besides our most popular services, you can add:

  • Selection\Picking\Culling – send everything from the camera and get back ready to sell images
  • Data – Images Match – submit QR code, barcode, scanned forms, data files and images – we will do the rest.
  • Color Correction \ Exposure Correction – get your own Lightroom pre-set and individually exposure adjusted images
  • Rendering of the Proof sheets
  • School products

The on-board process pays off

  • You will have a dedicated team to process your images
  • Completely customized editing of your images
  • Private communication channel for support
  • Help in optimizing the capture part
  • Cost-effective pricing
  • Guaranteed turn-around times

Interested in Working Together?

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